Friday, December 12, 2014

Odds and Evens Party!

Room 112 has been discussing how to determine if a number is even or odd.  First, we decided that we only need to look at the digit in the "ones place" to determine if a number is even or odd. Next, we had a dance party and noticed that if everyone at the party had a dance partner the number was even. If some friends did not have a partner then the number was odd!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Nonfiction Reports

We have started our Nonfiction Unit in Second Grade! Students have chose a topic for their research report. They have  learned how to record dash facts and choose a heading to categorize their dash facts!  Students are using books, IPads and computers to research their topic and record their facts!  

Friday, November 21, 2014

Reader's Workshop

We are coming to an end of our Author's Study Unit on Vera B. Williams. Students have been exploring and identifying story elements of fiction (characters, setting, problem, events, solution) within her books.  Students have learned to complete story maps and summaries using the books A Chair For My Mother, Something Special For Me, and Music, Music For Everyone. Today, students worked hard with a partner to implement what they've learned by completing a summary or story map with a book on their independent level. They were excited to share their summaries!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Making Change at MathDonalds

Today we visited "MathDonalds" and learned how to make change by counting up from the cost of an item to the amount tendered (up to $1.00 or "100 cents"). First, students picked an item from "MathDonalds" and located the price (Crispy Chicken Sandwich...$0.55). Next, they looked at the amount of money they had to pay with ($1.00). Finally, they counting up from the amount the item cost to the amount they paid to figure out the change they would receive (Start at $0.55, Stop at $1.00...Change = $0.45).  They loved visiting "MathDonalds" and most students choose to buy ice cream when it was time to pick their own item :).  I will continue to use this strategy in math centers going forward.  Please continue to practice counting all mixed coins and making change by counting up at home! 

Friday, October 31, 2014


Today we celebrated Halloween! Children decorated pumpkins with stickers and paints.  Thank you so much parents for organizing such an awesome activity!  After our craft we paraded around the blacktop and danced to Monster Mash!  I hope everyone has a safe and fun evening!  

Friday, October 17, 2014


In Science we have been learning about solids, liquids and gases!  We have explored properties of these states of matter. We did an experiment that involved dropping a solid into a liquid that created a gas. The children worked hard and were very engaged. I asked them to look around at home this weekend for solids, liquids and gases and explain to someone how they know which state of matter they found!  

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bartlett Arboretum

This morning we visited the Bartlett Arboretum!  We explored many different kinds of seeds and how they travel. The children had a chance to observe seeds close up as well as take a nature walk!