Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Polygon Palooza!

We have been learning about polygons! First, we learned that polygons are 2 dimensional, closed shapes with straight sides, angles, and vertices. We had fun exploring polygons and their attributes during math stations!  Next, we read The Greedy Triangle during literacy. We charted character traits and discussed their meanings. Finally, the students picked a polygon and a character trait.  They used alliteration to compose a writing piece in which they described their polygon's attributes, places where their polygon could be found, and their polygons personality traits. Some titles included, "The Silly Square" and "The Romantic Rectangle". 

Winter Holiday Activities!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


We are coming to the end of our mapping unit!  We have learned about our country, our state, our city and our neighborhood!  We will be finishing our unit with a creative writing piece about a place we wish we had in Stamford and why!